The information below includes some important details related to how I practice and interact with my clients, as well as what I believe to be some of the most crucial aspects of psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy With Kyle: Core Beliefs

Non-Judgmental Therapy: Empowering through Person-Centered Tools for Success

In the realm of psychotherapy, non-judgmental therapy is an approach that aims to create a safe and accepting space where individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. By adopting person-centered tools, therapists empower their clients to discover their own strengths, develop self-awareness, and foster personal growth.

In creating a non-judgmental space therapists embrace unconditional positive regard towards their clients, respecting their unique perspectives and experiences. By fostering an environment of acceptance, validation, and empathy, therapists encourage individuals to openly share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. This non-judgmental space forms the basis for therapeutic progress and success.

One powerful tool used in non-judgmental therapy is active listening. The therapist actively engages in attentive listening, focusing on the client's words, emotions, and underlying messages. What often follows when active listening takes place is a reflective response; therapists employ reflective responses to facilitate client-centered exploration. This technique helps clients gain a clearer understanding of their own experiences and encourages self-reflection. This tool helps clients feel truly heard and valued, allowing them to explore their inner world more deeply.

This process of discovering personal values fosters a sense of self-empowerment, resilience, and clarity, leading to long-term success and personal satisfaction.


I believe that self-care is an essential aspect of therapy that cannot be overlooked. It empowers individuals to prioritize their well-being and take active steps towards enhancing aspects of life that may have been lacking the attention required to live happily.

Learning self-care in therapy helps individuals develop a deeper understanding of their own needs, emotions, and boundaries. It enables individuals to identify and alleviate stressors, cultivate resilience, and foster a positive relationship with themselves.

Self-care practices such as mindfulness, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, taking time to relax, dietary habits, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment play a crucial role in maintaining physical, mental, and emotional equilibrium. By incorporating self-care into their therapeutic journey, individuals can foster a deeper sense of self-compassion and significantly enhance their overall quality of life.

Riggs’ self-care

Cognitive Reframing

Cognitive reframing is a powerful therapeutic technique used to help individuals challenge and restructure their negative thought patterns and beliefs. In therapy, it involves guiding clients to view their experiences from alternative perspectives, allowing for new interpretations and meaning to emerge.

By identifying and analyzing automatic negative thoughts, therapists encourage clients to challenge the validity and/or likelihood of these thoughts being true and to explore more balanced or positive alternatives.

Cognitive reframing helps clients break free from cognitive distortions, such as black-and-white thinking, overgeneralizations, mind-reading, and develop a more nuanced and realistic perception of themselves and their world.

Ultimately, through cognitive reframing, individuals can gain greater insight, emotional well-being, and the ability to approach challenges with a more adaptive mindset.